
Hi there, my name is Kai Evans, and I’m still figuring out what to write here.

Random facts

At one point, I red roughly 300 books within a 5 years period. Mostly non-fiction, business, strategy, history, and such. My biggest year was 91 books. Although, goodreads had counted a 5 volume edition of WWII history as one book that year, and I’m still a bit sensitive about it.

I learned how to surf by myself at the age 34 through books and youtube videos. I surfed non stop for almost 7 years after that. I’m still fascinated by the sport. The beach is my happy place.

I’m an amateur luthier. I’ve been around guitars since 8th grade, and I have build 9 of them so far. I started with electrics, but gradually shifted towards high end steel string acoustic ones. I can talk about guitars and woodworking for hours.