The journey to Cilium and back
Documenting my experience with cilium networking stack in my homelab
The scary PSU cable story
The story of a scary molex cable that I made to power three motherboards off one PSU
k8s vs k3s vs microk8s vs k0s
Writing down my experiences with various kubernetes distributions in the context of running a homelab
Cilium vs the world
A write up about my recent experience with cilium and why it's cool as
Run pi-hole in kubernetes cluster
A recipe how to install and pi-hole inside of a kubernetes deployment
MetalLB in a homelab explainer
A bit of an explanation of how MetalLB works and what it does in a bare metal homelab setup. And how to use that with microk8s more specifically
Setting up a microk8s cluster in a homelab
A quick guide how to setup a working kubernetes cluster for a homelab using ubuntu server and microk8s
What and why homelab
Some thoughts and examples about my homelab and what I do there
Choices for homelab kubernetes setup
Capturing my thought process around setting up a kubernetes deployment for my homelab
Rigid-Flex PCBs in KiCad
A how to make rigid-flex PCB designs work in KiCad
Did I tell you about keyd?
A quick share about keyd as a keyboard config management tool
The four types of work
Looking into software engineering work categorisation and prioritisation
What business value is made of
Dissecting the concept of business value
Managing quality beyond technical debt
A deep dive into quality management structure
On managing people's energy
A deep dive into managing people and their energy levels
Vision, strategy, plan
A deep dive into leadership structure and how it works
The inverse Conway's manoeuvre
An article about interdependency between architecture and org structure
How to build a great culture
Diving into the nitty gritty of building a great culture at a workplace
Risk management fundamentals
Diving into the basics of risk management, tools and tactics
The beach
A short essay about the role of technology in a software development organisation
Performance management, output vs. behaviour
A piece on employee performance management through behavioural characteristics
On culture and belongingness
Notes on developing high performance culture in a creative organisation
A brief history of management
I have cobbled together some stories about the history of the software engineering management and how we got where we are at the moment.
Managers, leaders, and executives
Digging into the corporate leadership anatomy
When to stop coding
Some thoughts on when an engineering manager should let go of the tools
Managing people 101
A few advices on people management mindset that I would give a freshly minted engineering manager
Life without estimations
Part two of the estimations rant
How to make a svelte preprocessor
A bit of a deep dive into Svelte plugins system
Why estimations don't really work
Destroying the hopes and dreams of those relying on estimations in their delivery planning
Why your burndown chart looks like a cliff
We are going through some examples of a burndown charts analysis, and look at ways to debug a team's performance
Why self-manage your own career
A bit controversial take on self-managing one's career as a software engineer
Svelte + Markdown blog images setup
A short guide how to setup image assets processing and optimisation in a svelte+markdown blog
Software engineering careers explained
I'm going through all the engineering roles and common career paths
How this site is made
a bit of technical details about how this web site was created